
Annamalai’s transformative journey through Ormit Talent and ASML

Annamalai’s career journey is a remarkable testament to resilience, learning, and adaptability. Hailing from the southern part of India, he holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master in Engineering Management. This story traces his path from starting his own venture to joining a personal development program facilitated by Ormit Talent, leading to a fulfilling career at ASML.

Early ventures and discoveries

Annamalai’s journey began with an ambitious step into the automotive sector. Driven by his entrepreneurial instincts, he launched a startup, which he diligently pursued for a year. Despite his best efforts, the venture did not achieve the success he hoped for. This setback, however, only fueled his desire to explore and learn more. 

Deciding to broaden his horizons, Annamalai embarked on a journey across Europe. He pursued a Master’s degree in Engineering Management in London, primarily drawn by the allure of the city. This period was transformative, offering him insights into European work culture and operational dynamics. It was also during this time that he met his girlfriend, with whom he traveled extensively, living in places like Scotland and Tenerife.

Settling in the Netherlands 

With his UK visa expired and a new perspective on life, Annamalai chose the Netherlands as his next destination. The country’s reputation as an expat-friendly nation with ample English-speaking job opportunities made it an ideal choice. Six years ago, he made the Netherlands his home. 

Joining Ormit Talent and ASML

Living in Amsterdam, Annamalai discovered Ormit Talent and was drawn to its proximity. He soon realized that ASML, where he sought a role in engineering management, was located in Veldhoven, opening up a world of opportunities for him. The traineeship program at Ormit Talent offered more than just a job; it promised personal growth and development, which Annamalai found particularly appealing. He valued the community aspect (learning with peers in a pool of trainees) of the program, which facilitated shared learning and experiences. 

The selection process and learning curve

Reflecting on his selection process at Ormit Talent, Annamalai recalls it as a comprehensive journey involving CV screenings, psychological and personality tests, and an assessment day. Each step was a learning opportunity. He felt heard and challenged, which was immensely satisfying, even if he didn’t secure the job initially. 

Being part of a close-knit pool of six trainees at ASML was another highlight. Though they didn’t work directly together, their frequent interactions and joint training sessions fostered deep connections. This camaraderie made learning more effective and enjoyable, as there was mutual understanding and support.

Cultural adjustments and professional growth

Transitioning to the culture at ASML, Annamalai observed a significant difference from Ormit Talent. While Ormit emphasized personal development and self-reflection, ASML’s culture focused more on technical expertise and knowledge. He noted that many at ASML found it challenging to engage in self-reflection and personal discourse, despite their intellectual prowess. 

Annamalai’s background and training at Ormit Talent equipped him well for this environment. He learned the importance of perspective-taking and understanding that there is no absolute right or wrong. This openness to different viewpoints was crucial in his role, especially when he had to lead meetings and challenge the ideas of senior colleagues.

Career progression at ASML

Annamalai’s career at ASML began as a Management Trainee, after which he transitioned to the role of an Integrator. This hands-on role allowed him to gain in-depth knowledge about the machinery. After seven months, he expressed a desire for new challenges, leading to his role in Main Deliverable Owner/Jr. Project Lead, where he shaped team culture and implemented Agile methodologies. 

Despite facing challenging periods, Annamalai’s resilience turned these into opportunities. He created a Product Owner role for himself and was later invited to be a Project Lead. His journey highlights the importance of adaptability and continuous learning.

Advice for new entrants

Annamalai’s advice for newcomers to the job market is simple yet profound: Have fun. He believes that enjoying the journey is crucial, as everything else will naturally fall into place. Maintaining an open mind and being receptive to new experiences are key to a successful career. 

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