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Ilse Alberts
Management Trainee
If anything makes me happy, it is people and organizations that are trying to make a positive impact. That can be working on a large international project, but also in the small, everyday things. I advocate being ambitious, without becoming pretentious. I like to be involved, without becoming rigid. Because it is precisely by maintaining a certain lightness and room to move that I can easily view a situation or issue from different angles. This gives me the space to see what is actually happening within a group and to respond appropriately.
Ilse’s skills…
View from all sides
My strong character means that I am not afraid to express my opinion in most situations. However, I am not someone who unnecessarily clings to her own opinion. Looking at a situation from different sides and hearing different opinions is something I find both interesting and important. Someone does not just arrive at a feeling or opinion; what is behind this and what does it mean for the bigger picture? By having an open conversation and delving into the different perspectives, I gain deeper insights.
Sincere listener
Gaining a deeper insight is not the only reason I want people to tell their stories. I think it is important to really see people and listen to what they have to say. I have a natural connection with people, which makes engaged listening effortless. Out of genuine interest, I check in with them again at a later time; This way people feel heard and seen.
Significant stress or a setback? The past has taught me that I am resilient enough to come back stronger. Not from untamed optimism, but from a balanced and solid foundation. In my opinion, the basis of resilience is fully recognizing the situation as it is. Accept, process and learn; and then come back stronger with a good dose of optimism.
The positive engine
Untamed optimism is not for me. But that glass? Mine is always half full! From this positive energy I know how to motivate myself again and again, I can encourage others and influence group dynamics for the better. When the fire threatens to go down, I immediately feel that it is time to take my position as a motivating and stable engine.

Ilse is curious about…
I have been interested in natural nutrition for a long time. Where does it come from and how do our food chains work? I think that we as a society, and actually even as a world, still have so much to discover and develop on this topic. In addition, I am extremely curious about my personal development in the near future. When I look back over the past 27 years, so many unexpected things have happened. I’m more than curious about what life has in store for me!
I have worked on this project…
Project supporter at War Child
At War Child I supported the HR department on various projects. For example, I was responsible for a tender for a new occupational health and safety service for all employees in the Netherlands. I have scheduled conversations with various occupational health and safety services and conducted these together with colleagues. I was also responsible for setting up a well-being calendar. The purpose of this calendar was to improve the mental and physical health of employees at the Amsterdam office. Monthly lectures, workshops, yoga classes and other activities are scheduled throughout the year. The freedom I was given while devising, planning and executing these projects allowed me to develop my project management skills even better. I have learned to take initiative and work independently. Working for this organization gave me a lot of satisfaction, because it was clear to me I worked on something for the greater good.

Ilse tips…
When I look back on my life, the moments in which I experienced real growth or really got to know myself better have always been the moments when I stepped out of my comfort zone. Despite the excitement beforehand, afterwards I kept thinking: wow, how cool that I just did this! So my tip is: step out of that comfort zone! It enriches your life. I don’t want to claim that it is easy, but that is precisely why you should feel the incentive to do it.

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