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Tristan Ziegerink

Management Trainee

Looking out into the world with an open mind is something I try to do every day. An open eye to diverse backgrounds and equity, but equally to different perspectives and ways of thinking. Judgments and conclusions are often drawn too quickly, which can actually work against a team. But that open mind? It ensures that we look beyond our nose, so that both unexpected opportunities and hidden strengths can be optimally exploited!





Tristan’s skills…

The relaxt solver

Stress? That’s not in my vocabulary. I think that’s precisely why I take on dynamic environments and complex issues. Into this complexity I like to bring the simplicity of an understandable and practically applicable solution. 


Achieving results together is the ultimate thrill for me. Whether it’s making existing paths more efficient or creatively inventing new ones, I always keep an eye on the goal so we don’t get lost. 

Sincere listening

Achieving goals is a must, but I find it essential to do so in a nice way. Not being heard by your colleagues is one of the most demotivating factors. That is why I constantly try to listen well and use the knowledge I have gained to empower others. 

The playful motivator

Should the team become demotivated despite the mutual connection? No problem, because I have energy for 10! I observe what the team needs, then fulfill this role in an infectious way.   

Tristan is curious about…

I am fascinated by industries where the general economic models do not apply; think about the energy sector, the aircraft industry and other complex markets. What I like about this is that standard ways of thinking do not cover the load, calling for a creative, broad and well-thought-out approach. 

I’ve worked on this project

Project Management Support at Rabobank

Within the Facilities department within Rabobank, I worked on the bank’s own facilities and premises. As Project Management Support (PMO), I was part of the change management team and worked on three different projects: the implementation of Azure DevOps across the department, the implementation of a new hardware service provider and a country wide relocation project. As support, I was responsible for ensuring the progress of all the projects I worked on. For example, I kept action lists, co-wrote opinion requests, and gave presentations within the company to explain what we were working on. I was very close to different project managers per project, so I was at the forefront of everything that was happening. I found that super interesting. By working on these three completely different projects, I learned a lot about this sector, and about how to keep structure in your work at such a large company.

Tristan tips…

Visit one of the Amsterdam Candlelight concerts. I myself went to 4 seasons of Vivaldi. To be honest, I have never been very interested in classical music, but what is so nice about these concerts is that the subject of the composition is explained beforehand. This makes you listen to the music in a whole new way. It’s something else than going out for dinner or a beer in the pub ánd it’s affordable! 

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